Case 1- Dr Susan Wendy
Case 2- Dr Billy Karunding (Indonesia)/ Dr Liew NC
Dr Askat Sharipov (Kazashtan)
Dr Sandeep Pandey (Nepal)
Dr Ravul (India)
Dr Tan KL
Dr Hariz
Venus ulcers are common in developing countries and patients often present late. The aetiology is likely to be different from developed countries where they have a high incidence of post thrombotic limb syndrome. Many developing countries rely on history and examination, duplex scan, venogram and CTV for diagnosis. Many might not have the added facility such as IVUS and plethysmography. The management strategy could be different.
This seminar brings together experts from developing countries and they will share their experience in managing venous leg ulcers.
Important Notes:
The video will published soon